Month: September 2020

irumeur -Make Sense of the World

I read an usurp of the New York Times every day. I joined their email list to stay informed on current events. I haven’t watched the news in years. I think a part of me wants to remain ignorant rather than read of death and corruption, but that was a tiny part of my choice. In actuality, I stopped watching the news because I could no longer trust the information provided to be fair and exact, without being blemished by “big media” opinion. I subscribed to the Times believing a reputable newspaper wouldn’t influence its readers political or moral issues, but share the facts unbiasedly. According to the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), journalists strive toward exchanging information that is accurate, fair and thorough, to ensure that free press is guaranteed to protect our First Amendment. Then why do I feel violated? I feel violated when protecting the First Amendment means the media uses their rights to influence its readers’ minds. It is akin to brainwashing. I estimate this world is on a downward spiral, …

irumeur: America the Free?

Talking politics with the youth of 2020, during a media controlled condemning of Trump, is like reading the “1984” novel by George Orwell. Orwell’s book should be a mandatory read for every high school student, or at the least, every college freshman. This book terrified me, opening my mind to the possibilities of what can happen under the pretense of totalitarianism, but I recognize a totalitarian control in a socialist democracy. How can I make such an allegation? How many politically savvy, or even those averse to studying politics, have taken the time to read how socialism works? I’d take a chance by stating that most people only know what others have told them about a socialist government: Everyone carries the same financial independence in a world that harnesses the wealthy and makes everyone equal. God Almighty people. Read! Someone is in charge. It will not be YOU. Since the government owns EVERYTHING, including your house, doesn’t that pot make someone mighty lucky – like finding the end of a rainbow? Most likely, the wealthy …