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irumeur: The Apple Tree

The male arousal is tantalizing for both male and female, creating an irrational motivation to sin. Sin that is ironically blamed upon the woman.

God conceived sex.

Since God intended every living organism to reproduce, sex seems a logical pleasure that should be sinless.

Sex is sinless. Sin comes through greed and obsession, an inner drive that has proven itself to be greater than the human mind. For some, this obsession compels them to euphoric pleasures, each more raw than the earlier until sin becomes the only source of satiation for a demented mind.

In an ego driven world, God is to blame. The great and almighty creator created sex, therefore sex is free from sin, and pleasure is boundless.

Women are bottomless dungeons, driven to discover and understand themselves and the world around them. This dungeon, filled with bits and treasures of knowledge far beyond what is written within a book, is the backbone behind the female propensity to nurture. It is the lure that drew Eve to the apple tree.

In a single bite, sex became the leading cause of sin. Power, greed, money–each of these ensnared by sexual pleasure that chauffeured the human species from one seedy encounter to the next in search of unrivaled rapture. This rapturous need has maimed, killed and destroyed lives while creating rapist, serial killers and pedophiles, each in search of a heightened sexual fulfillment.

Is God responsible?

“No.” God is without sin. God is the healing answer to sin through faith and prayer. The apple eaten by Adam and Eve gave the devil access to our minds, making him a powerful enemy to humanity. His power? Lust.

Lust made sex sinful.

The only power greater than the devil–God. Without God, humankind will continue their search to become godly while experimenting on the fetuses of both animals and humans, placing themselves in the hierarchy of eminence. It takes faith, prayer, and dedication to God to defeat the devil. Without our heavenly father we are doomed. A fix, I think… people will reject.

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I am a mother of 16 children and grandchildren. Some of them are by blood and the rest by heart. I was a foster mom for a few years and the children I cared for during that time have mostly stayed with me through the years. I love to write, read, dance, paint, and play with my animals. I enjoy dressage riding and just being in the barn. My words are my gift, as they allow you to know me as I really am. Thanks for joining me on this ride of life!

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