Author: dvaal

irumeur: The Apple Tree

The male arousal is tantalizing for both male and female, creating an irrational motivation to sin. Sin that is ironically blamed upon the woman. God conceived sex. Since God intended every living organism to reproduce, sex seems a logical pleasure that should be sinless. Sex is sinless. Sin comes through greed and obsession, an inner drive that has proven itself to be greater than the human mind. For some, this obsession compels them to euphoric pleasures, each more raw than the earlier until sin becomes the only source of satiation for a demented mind. In an ego driven world, God is to blame. The great and almighty creator created sex, therefore sex is free from sin, and pleasure is boundless. Women are bottomless dungeons, driven to discover and understand themselves and the world around them. This dungeon, filled with bits and treasures of knowledge far beyond what is written within a book, is the backbone behind the female propensity to nurture. It is the lure that drew Eve to the apple tree. In a single …

irumeur -Make Sense of the World

I read an usurp of the New York Times every day. I joined their email list to stay informed on current events. I haven’t watched the news in years. I think a part of me wants to remain ignorant rather than read of death and corruption, but that was a tiny part of my choice. In actuality, I stopped watching the news because I could no longer trust the information provided to be fair and exact, without being blemished by “big media” opinion. I subscribed to the Times believing a reputable newspaper wouldn’t influence its readers political or moral issues, but share the facts unbiasedly. According to the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), journalists strive toward exchanging information that is accurate, fair and thorough, to ensure that free press is guaranteed to protect our First Amendment. Then why do I feel violated? I feel violated when protecting the First Amendment means the media uses their rights to influence its readers’ minds. It is akin to brainwashing. I estimate this world is on a downward spiral, …

irumeur: America the Free?

Talking politics with the youth of 2020, during a media controlled condemning of Trump, is like reading the “1984” novel by George Orwell. Orwell’s book should be a mandatory read for every high school student, or at the least, every college freshman. This book terrified me, opening my mind to the possibilities of what can happen under the pretense of totalitarianism, but I recognize a totalitarian control in a socialist democracy. How can I make such an allegation? How many politically savvy, or even those averse to studying politics, have taken the time to read how socialism works? I’d take a chance by stating that most people only know what others have told them about a socialist government: Everyone carries the same financial independence in a world that harnesses the wealthy and makes everyone equal. God Almighty people. Read! Someone is in charge. It will not be YOU. Since the government owns EVERYTHING, including your house, doesn’t that pot make someone mighty lucky – like finding the end of a rainbow? Most likely, the wealthy …

irumeur -Black Lives Matter

My mind conjures up the image of a young boy. He’s walking along Alameda Street in Las Angeles. Anxious, he looks right and then left as he heads to the local Corner Store for a bottle of Coke. The sound of a police siren nearby. At ten in the evening, he knows he shouldn’t be on the streets. Then he wonders – why? He makes good grades in school. His daddy works full time at M Plastics, and his mom cleans rooms at the nursing home. Why is he afraid? Inside the Corner Store, the clerk watches him. Trying his best to look cool, he struts to the back and pulls a Coke from the shelf. One hand clings to his saggy britches as he set the Coke on the counter and reaches for his wallet. The clerk’s eyes squint, ready for him to pull out a gun. He knows this cause he’s seen it too many times. He wants to scream, “I ain’t got no gun, man. I just wanna buy a coke,” but …

I Am, But Another Creature On This Earth

I am simple, yet splendid in my humanity. Human, with animalistic behaviors.  We crave. We desire. We love.  And, we destroy.  The predisposition to kill what we fear, hate or disregard is as evident in humans as, animals. A pride relies upon the lion king to protect, and yet, he will kill cubs not his own.  The cub born of his opponents blood, is a cub destined for death.  The lion kings pride -his to kill or protect. Humans don’t walk on four feet or jump on strong, oversized hind limbs.  Yet, we are no more significant than a blade of grass when we worship ourselves.  Unlike the lion king, we have the capacity for tenderness, self-sacrifice and love.  Reduced to selfish pride humans sometimes ignored, brushed off, or reinforced the right of choice. When mankind kills the unborn, either directly or circuitously, we are no better than the lion king, guilty of selfish pride. Life? Humans are people, not gods.  Mankind has determined life from the unliving.  The unliving have no heartbeat.  A fetus …


Lee Jinki Lee Jinki, Shinee’s Onew, has announced he will begin his enlistment for mandatory duty in South Korean military on December 10, 2018. I am beside myself with sadness.  I am not sure what will happen to Shinee with the unreturnable loss of Jonghyun -and now Onew’s enlistment. By the time they release him from duty it will be time for Minho and Key to join.  Then once they‘re released, Taemin will join.  Will Shinee heal from this?  Only time will tell, but I fear the worst even as I hope for the best. For a part, I’m not worried about Taemin, Minho and Key.  Taemin has a strong soloist career.  Key has produced his first release as a soloist and Minho has developed a career in acting.  But, what about Onew? Onew began his acting career, but it was cut short when he was wrongfully arrested.  He’s had a few duets that did well, but a solo career is something he hasn’t shot for.  He released the song, In Your Eyes, from the …

irumeur… Vacation

Family Vacation – Cedar Point My girls will soon be out of the house.  Now, when I say soon -one is a senior and the other a junior (high school).  Their about to turn seventeen.  Ready to move on, at least in their eyes. They wonder how I will handle the empty nest syndrome.  For a short span, I experienced being a motherless mother when my adult children graduated.  I won’t deny the emptiness of those years.  Especially, since I started over less than two years later.  Yet, my husband and I had fun (We were younger then).  I look forward to days without school demands, Teen PMS, the sleepless nights waiting for them to arrive home -safe and the mess -not only the girls but their boyfriends, friends and friends of friends.  Ugh! Still, when I analyze the time we have left, the days to create more memories, and arms filled with daily hugs, plus the moments left to sit side-by-side sharing our lives I come face-to-face with reality.  They will leave! This year, we are …

Kim Jonghyun Memorial Poem

My poem for Jonghyun’s Memorial Book The White Butterfly by: Donna D. Vaal Silent and graceful flies the white butterfly A masterpiece in rhythm. Beating wings carry memories Of laughter far away. A gift of agony A broken smile Tears scattered in my lonely memories. Cherished moments mask my trembling heart. A final breath of misery Plays with me dazzling in the blue moon Singing hallelujah. Why have you left us, Jonghyun?

Foreign Drama -Good Morning Call

Good Morning Call Netflix Original Japanese Drama 2016 17 episodes You may find this drama too ridiculous to watch, but I loved it.  Since most of my time in front of the screen was while I bathed, my skin wrinkled daily as I sat through each episode (one at a time) soaking in the tub. No, it wasn’t the best drama I’ve seen.  The acting parts were silly at times.  I even wanted to tie Nao’s arms to her sides on occasion, but I adored this drama.  You have to look past the whole manga theme and appreciate the simplicity of these lives. Questions: How can one girl be loved by so many men and not have an ego as big as Uehara’s?  Once more, why is she always oblivious of the men who love her? Watch the drama and maybe you will see the same thing that captured my eye.  It is a sweet drama about a boy and girl who love each other.  The girl couldn’t possibly be more giddy and open about her …