All posts filed under: Nonsense

Meet -Memory Moon

Memory Moon Vaal Meet our new puppy.  In this picture she is 6 weeks old. She is a Landseer Newfoundland.                   Aren’t I cute? Strange name?  How did we come up with it? My husband makes his living with computers.  Every pet he wants has to have something to do with computers in their name.  His bird was Data and our last dog, and Italian Greyhound, was named Webblee after the Web. Memory was the prettiest thing I could come up with for a girl dog and still be within his desires. Moon -this is me.  She is named after two of my favorite Korean actors: Moon Chae Won and Moon Joo Won. Labor Day weekend we drive north to pick her up.  I can’t wait.  Our last Newfoundland we adopted as a two year old.  Sir Manchester (Manny) was not the prettiest dog when we picked him up.  He was dirty and depressed.  We put blankets down in the back of the car and brought him …

The Blogger Recognition Award The Rules Thank the person who honored you for this award Give a link back to your nominating blog Display the award on your post and write about it Give a brief history on your blog itself Offer a piece of advice to new and upcoming bloggers Select 10 other bloggers you wish to nominate Thank you My Crazy Life (It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes) for nominating me for THE BLOGGER RECOGNITION AWARD A brief history of my blog I began my blog in August of 2015, on wordpress.  I first started my blog a year before that on blogger or blogspot (I really can’t remember) -but blogger closed my blog because I copied content from one of my blogs to the other -wooo vandalism, plagiarism -woooooe is me.  I had to start over. Was I upset?  Yes, I was mad!!!! But, I am thrilled it happened, because I finally had the guts to move to wordpress -where I’ve met all of you beautiful people, like My Crazy Life.  Thank you for having me …

Dee -The Simple Woman’s Daybook For Today… Today, I will give all things over to God the father.  As I rush through each day, hoping I will accomplish all that is needed in the marketing of my novel, I will give my concerns and desires over to God.  His mighty hand will take me where he wills… Outside My Window… As I look out my window I see the barn that houses my horses, keeping them dry.  Water cascading over rocks -plummeting deep into our woods after a day of rain.  The fields to our east are covered with olive and shamrock green grass, brilliant by the suns glow.  The giant poplar, walnut, and oak trees to our North, South and West are enhanced by the array of bumblebee yellow, coconut white and orchid flowers nestled within their confines. I Am Thinking… Here is this old woman, once a bitter girl -determined to never allow anyone entrance to my heart, my trust, my love.  Now, I live to give all that I can to others -determined to love all of mankind.  I know I …

The big “L” award I want to say a Huge Thank You to  – La Samaritana for recommending me for this beautiful award.   What is one of the hardest life lessons you ever had to learn?  To accept my ultimate death. Thinking back to your 10 year old self, what did you want to be when you ‘grew up’, and why?  A mother.  I wanted a house full of children.  I guess that is why I became a foster mom/adopted mom and a CASA.  A stage dancer and a competitive dressage rider. What would be your DREAM job and why? An author.  Okay, seriously, besides writing my dream job is working with wild animals.  I love to study animals, so wild-life photography, working in a zoo in animal husbandry -any field along these lines. If you could relive one really fun, happy moment in your life, which one would that be? Any moment riding my old Arab gelding, Caliphornia (CA).  At 28, our days together are numbered. What is an activity you want to try out, …

Interview with David Snape This Saturday, April 9, 2016, I will be interviewed by David Snape -at 6:00pm GMT time and 1:00 Eastern Standard time.  This can be found at David approached me a couple of months back and asked if I’d be interested in a radio interview.  I have to admit -I’m scared to death.  It isn’t that I’ve never done a live interview, but this one means so much more -as it will be about my book. What happens if I forget my own material -because of my nerves?  Oh, this would be embarrassing.  I plan on making lots of clear notes so I have something to refer to.  Little things like: What is the name of the town Hiroto lived in?  Okay, he probably won’t answer that, but when I was thinking about it last night -well, it took a couple of minutes (I wasn’t under any pressure either).  Answer: Goldfield, Nevada How did you come up with L4-13354?  He won’t ask this one either, but do I even really know how I came …

Mom the Obscure Answers If I could hire someone to help, would it be with cleaning, yard work, or cooking?Cleaning -hands down.  I hate cleaning.  There are so many things to clean in a day -and what about my writing?  Choices have to be made and my writing comes first.  So, if I could hire someone to clean -kuddo’s. What makes me laugh the most? Things my middle grandson says.  He comes up with some zany comments.  However, two blogs make me laugh -A Momma’s View and Ah Dad. What was my favorite food as a child?  It isn’t a food but a drink.  I could never get enough Coke to drink.  If it was in the house -it wouldn’t be there by the time I went to bed.  5, 8, 10 bottles -I would find a way to drink it.  I haven’t had a coke in 4 years now.  Gave it up -cause I wouldn’t let the kids drink it.  It was tough!  I know to this day -if I had one swallow I would be back on …

Happy Anniversary to Us

Today, 29 years ago I married my husband.  I don’t know why this is such a huge milestone for me.  You would think that I would be hanging on for the big 30 -but 29 is my number.  Everything from here will be an added blessing. First, I never believed I would live to be this old.  Yep, I thought youth was around until the day I fell over dead.  It isn’t happening. Second, I thought we just wouldn’t last.  It wasn’t that I didn’t love him enough, I wasn’t sure he loved me enough. Third, how did anyone stay married for thirty years?  Best to go for twenty-nine, right? Okay, so before I went to sleep last night, I told my husband happy anniversary, just in case I didn’t make it to this morning.  We made it!  Yeah!!!!! Is anything different to this day all those years ago?  EVERYTHING!  Loving someone on the day of marriage is GLORIOUS.  Loving someone twenty-nine years later is WORK.  My love for him is more than a physical …


#SoCS – Be   Word -Be Be -you!  Why fight it?  If we live our lives pretending -what is the point of living? At one time I ran from the world because I knew I wouldn’t be accepted, now I face it -screaming I will be, me. I’m not alone.  Many of you also run from the world.  We stay hidden in our little spaces that we love, typing words, one after the other, sharing our thoughts -because thoughts keep us safe from others. We are afraid.  And here, we are safe. What a great feeling to have friends who never judge us.  We are not criticized for our clothes, our weight, our minds, our actions.  Why?  Because we are only words. Glorious words that fill the void of people. I’m not angry.  This life isn’t about a house full of friends, being invited to parties, and being the person everyone wants to talk to at the local basketball game.  My life, your life, our lives are about our words.  That is who we were …

Stream of Consciousness Saturday

#SoCS – Reality SoCS -Real/Reality Life has been moving so fast, I haven’t found time to remember it’s Saturday. I’m not convinced anything on earth is real.  Sometimes I think we will wake up and realize we’ve only been dreaming.    I once believed in my thoughts -what appeared within, will appear before me.  I was so convinced -it often distorted my views.  Yet, for me, it was very real.  Crazy, huh? Isn’t that life?  We believe what we wish to believe and everyone else is the stupid one.  Politics -If this is your passion, you will be convinced your choice is the correct one. Children -If you believe girls are a burden; you will believe all girls are a burden. Religion -If you believe two, our more religions are a perfect fit; you will become a bi-religion (just made that up, hehe).  Apparently, bi-religion has already been taken, shucks! Family -If you believe your children will be better off without living with their other parent full time; you will get a divorce when the mood …