All posts tagged: Liebster award

The big “L” award I want to say a Huge Thank You to  – La Samaritana for recommending me for this beautiful award.   What is one of the hardest life lessons you ever had to learn?  To accept my ultimate death. Thinking back to your 10 year old self, what did you want to be when you ‘grew up’, and why?  A mother.  I wanted a house full of children.  I guess that is why I became a foster mom/adopted mom and a CASA.  A stage dancer and a competitive dressage rider. What would be your DREAM job and why? An author.  Okay, seriously, besides writing my dream job is working with wild animals.  I love to study animals, so wild-life photography, working in a zoo in animal husbandry -any field along these lines. If you could relive one really fun, happy moment in your life, which one would that be? Any moment riding my old Arab gelding, Caliphornia (CA).  At 28, our days together are numbered. What is an activity you want to try out, …

I’ve Been Nominated…!

I’ve been nominated!  Hip-hip-hoorah! The Eternal Scribbler has nominated me for the Liebster award -but that isn’t all…. Thanks to her generosity, she nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award -as well. Thank you, Ari. The Versatile Blogger Award Rules:  Thank the person that nominated you and include a link to their blog. Nominate at least 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination. Share 7 facts about yourself!   Eternal Scribbler is one of my top blogs.  She gives you excellent advice on writing.  Tools all writers can use.  Please go check Ari out -if you write, her site is a must!  Again, thank you! They will be at the bottom Done 7 facts about myself I wanted to be a wildlife photographer or a vet -neither happened, but I know a lot about wildlife and animal medicine.  I did work for a vet, for a period. I promote Shinee -because I want them to have a huge fan base in America -so I can …